Cost History


Highly detailed, the Cost History report provides a comparison between actual and expected costs per hundredweight on a load-by-load basis. By selecting the "Show" option for any record, you can get a breakdown of events, chemicals used, and associated costs.

Example Report

 Current Trends Report


Table Results

The Event link provides you with a breakdown of the formula events and chemical costs.

Credited Weight

The actual weight credited for the machine or group.

Actual Cost

The actual cost to produce the product.

Standard Weight

The expected weight.

Standard Cost

The expected cost


The actual cost per hundredweight.

Standard CWT

The expected cost per hundredweight

Chemical Cost Detail

The clock time for the chemical introduction.

Chemical Name

The specific name of the chemical injected.


The liquid measurement for the injected chemical (typically in ounces).

Unit Cost

The cost per unit injected (typically per-ounce).


The total cost for the chemical.