Overall Efficiency


The Overall Efficiency report provides machine efficiencies based on the average load for the machine during the reporting period. The system provides these machine level efficiencies for:

  • Process time,
  • Load time,
  • Unload time,
  • Turn time,
  • weight,
  • Machine effectiveness, and
  • overall machine efficiency ratings.

The report allows you to limit the table columns to fit your current needs, and the report saves these settings for when you return to the report. The graphical tab allows you to specify which efficiency you would like to see.

Example Report

 Current Trends Report


Table Results
Excess Process Time

The difference when the sum of all formula clock times exceeds the sum of standard formula run times for the reporting period.

Process Efficiency

The sum of all actual clock formula runtimes compared to the sum of their standard times.

Average Process Time

The average time for all of the formula runtimes for the reporting period.

Excess Load Time

The amount of time greater than the standard load times for all loads during the reporting period.

Loading Efficiency (%)

The sum of all load times compared to the sum of the standard load times for the reporting period.

Average Load Time

The sum of all load times divided by the number of credited loads for the reporting period.

Excess Turn Time

The time that the total load and unload times exceeds the sum of the standard load and unload times for the reporting period.

Turn Efficiency (%)

The sum of all load and unload times compared to the sum of the standard load and unload times for the reporting period.

Average Turn Time

The sum of all the load and unload times divided by the number of the credited loads for the reporting period

Excess Machine Time

The amount of time the total formula run, load, and unload times exceeds the total standard formula run, load, and unload times for the reporting period.

Machine Efficiency (%)

The total formula run, unload, and load times compared to the total standard formula run, unload, and load times for the reporting period.

Average Cycle Time

The sum of the formula run, load, and unload times divided by the number of credited loads for the reporting period.

Total Weight

The sum of the weight for all of the credited loads for the reporting period.

Expected Weight

The sum of standard weights for all of the credited loads for the reporting period.

Weight Efficiency (%)

The actual total weight as compared to the expected weight for the reporting period.

Average Weight

The total weight divided by the number of credited loads for the reporting period.

Overall Efficiency

The percentage based on the weight and machine efficiencies for the reporting period.

Machine Effectiveness

Calculated using the total run, load, and unload clock times as compared to the expected run times with the weight efficiency for the reporting period.