Quick Graph


Quick Graph provides you convenient access to charts for a single production indicator. You can generate graphs for:

  • Chemical cost,
  • Credited loads and weights,
  • Cost per CWT,
  • Non-credited chemical cost,
  • Non-credited loads, and
  • Non-credited weights.

Example Report

 Current Trends Report


Select Range

Select either a predetermined range or select "Other" to enter your own range.

Quick Graph Options

Select the production data you wish to graph.

Graphed Results
Chemical Cost

Get a breakdown of chemical cost per day.

Credited Loads

Your number of credited loads.

Credited Weight

The credited total weight for each day.

CWT (Cost per hundredweight)

The average daily cost per hundredweight.

Non-credited Chemical Costs

The total daily cost for non-credited chemicals.

Non-credited Loads

The number of loads not credited to the day's production.

Non-credited Weights

The total weight of non-credited product for the each day.