Wash Load Summary Report

The Wash Load Summary Report provides production information about every load ran for the reporting period. You can quickly see how your actual load, unload, and run times compares to the standards.

Example Report


Credited Weight

You have the option of including non-credited loads within your totals.

Total Time and Std. (Standard) Total Time

The sum of time for loading, running and unloading the washer for that formula during the established reporting period. The Standard Total Time reflects the summation based on the expected time for the same number of loads.

Load and Std. (Standard) Load Time

The sum of the actul time for loading the washer for that formula during the established reporting period. The Standard Load time is the sumation of the expected Load times.

UnLoad and Std. (Standard) Unload Time

The sum of the time for unloading the washer for that formula during the established reporting period. The Standard Unload Time is the sumation of the the expected unload times for the same number of loads.