Wash Aisle Dashboard


The Wash Aisle Dashboard provides you with current, actionable, wash aisle information. The information includes:

  • Average turn time,
  • Current production totals for processed weights and their hourly targets, and
  • Active alerts.

Example Report

The Washer Aisle Dashboard.


Turn Time

The Turn Time Average tile provides you with the average for your production turn times. Clicking the tile takes you to the Wash Aisle Graph where you can see hourly turn times compared to the standard.

Processed Today

The Processed Today tile gives you your total processed weights and how they compare to targets. Set your Target Weight per Hour by clicking the gear icon on the right side of the screen.

Target Weight Settings
Weight Today

The Weight Today tells you the current weight for products washed for the day.

Target Weight / Hour

The desired weight of produced goods per hour.

Actual Weight / Hour

The current day's average hourly weight of produced goods.


The Alerts tile keeps you current on potential issues on your wash aisle. Your alerts may vary, for each plant defines its own alerts.

Watchdog Check

This value tells you how many alerts occurred on your wash aisle that day that require a response (e.g., unbalanced loads, RPM too low).

Cancelled Loads

The total number of cancelled loads for the day.

Non-Credited Loads

The number of loads that do not contribute to your daily production totals for that day.