Advanced Wash Aisle: Reports Overview

You have multiple ways to get and display your data with AWA (Advance Wash Aisle) reports. Although most AWA reports provide you with multiple tiers of information, they typically fit into one of four information categories: Totals, Cost, Efficiency, and Diagnostic. You can add a fifth category if you consider the configuration and informational pages.

Note: Depending on your plant and its equipment, you may not have access to all of the reports listed below.

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AWA DashboardRecomended overviews

The AWA Dashboard provides key performance indicators at a glance. more...

Plant Production Report Recomended overviews

The Plant Production Report provides an overview of the washer costs with the production totals. more...

Quick GraphRecomended overviews

Quick Graph produces charts based on single production indicator. Generate charts for:

  • chemical cost,
  • credited loads and weights,
  • cost per hundredweight (CWT). more...

Washer Load Summary Report

The Washer Load Summary Report provides the total load, run, and unload times based on the formula or classification. more...

Washer Formula History

The most detailed of the AWA reports, the Washer Formula History Report provides highly detailed information about the loads and the formulas for the selected dates. This data allows for a quick comparison of the formula events compared to the standards. The report provides details about each step in the formula:

  • Chemical injection,
  • Password actions, and
  • Watchdog resets. more...


Recomended overviewsCost Summary

The Cost Summary provides a high-level overview of actual versus standard costs for each machine during the reporting period. The report compares the actual versus standard for weight, chemical costs, and cost per CWT (hundredweight). more...

Proof of Delivery

Were all of your chemicals delivered? The Proof of Delivery Report provides detailed information about each formula ran. It compares the planned to the actual delivery on quantity and cost. The report flags loads with chemical deliveries that failed, and it highlights them in the chemical usage detail. more...

Cost History

The Cost History report details the production costs based on formula and classification on a machine and load basis. In addition, the Cost History includes formula and a breakdown of the plant's chemical costs. more...

CWT Analysis

For plants that utilize soil factors, the CWT Analysis compares actual and expected item production cost per CWT (hundredweight). more...


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Washer Efficiency Summary Report

The Washer Efficiency Summary Report provides task and process performance information on a load-by-load basis. more...

Washer Overall Efficiency Report

The Washer Overall Efficiency Report enables you to analyze the efficiency of the washer related tasks and processes in respect to the average load weights and times during the reporting period. more...

Washer Efficiency Comparison Report

The Washer Efficiency Comparison report provides a machine-by-machine comparison of the efficiencies for a formula or classification. more...


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Wash Aisle Graph

The Wash Aisle Graph provides a graphical representation of the turn times, weights, and alerts for any given day. The report allows you to identify peaks and lulls in performance. more...

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Quick Compare

Quick Comparison allows for the generation of graphs for two dates or date ranges based on your key production indicators (e.g., credited and noncredited loads and weights, chemical costs, cost per CWT). more...

Washer Average Performance Comparison

The Washer Average Performance Comparison contrasts two time periods. The report compares machine performance based on weights, run time, load time, turn time, and unload time. more...

Current Trends

The Current Trends report provides turn times, weights, or chemical costs compared to the production goals. Alternatively, it provides the monthly results for all weights and costs contrasted between two timeframes. more...


Formula Plan Details

View the current and previous formula settings for any machine group and any formula on the wash aisle. more...